ICHA Joins The 2025 TD Five Boro Bike Tour

Bike New York promotes and encourages bicycling and bicycle safety through education, community outreach, and events.
TEAM ICHA will be a part of this historic event join us as we raise funds to help New York City Young Athletes Compete Nationally and Internationally Today!
Inner City Handball Association (ICHA) is a 33 year old New York-based 501C3 non-profit charity that NYC young athletes join to become better athletes or just to learn more about the benefits of being involved in organized handball.
ICHA provides affordable handball tournaments and clinics for hundreds of young athletes every year. In addition, ICHA offers athletic club and academic scholarships to those athletes that excel academically and participate in community service projects.
Our mission is to encourage young people to build and strengthen their communities, creating their own positive role models for future generations to follow.
Your contribution helps us tremendously because it:
- Subsidizes travel expenses for NYC teen athletes to compete in local, regional, national, and world competitions. Team ICHA teen athletes have competed in international Handball Championships since 1993 in countries such as Ireland, England, Wales, Italy, Spain, and Canada just to name a few.
- Provides funding for citywide YMCA teen memberships to High School athletes to utilize the YMCA indoor handball facilities and experience the benefits of the YMCA.
- Awards college book scholarships to high school seniors who achieve academic and athletic success.